2019 was a tough year...

Hi cuties ♥️

I apologize for my absence from my blog for over a year. It has been a really rough past few years for me. I have had to evaluate my own life and I am still trying to figure out a lot of things in life. I have been watching my best friend, who was basically my sister, suffer and eventually succumb to metastatic breast cancer. One day, I will share more about her story in hopes that it might help someone else going through something similar. But for now, I am still mourning her death and it has been 6 months already since she has passed. I am hoping that 2020 will be a better year. I am looking forward to healing and growing as a person in 2020 and continuing to make changes in my life for the better. Big changes are coming and I will definitely be mixing up the kinds of posts on my blog. I have cancelled all of my beauty subscriptions because I felt that they were creating too much clutter and product waste. I am trying to curb my consumerism and limiting myself to really important items. I don't know if I can commit to minimalism haha but I am definitely trying to cut back and create less waste. Stay tuned for exciting things to come! 

Sending positive vibes out to all who are reading this ♥️
